Monday, May 5, 2008
Reply to "Hillary the Storyteller"
In response to the blog "Hillary for US Storyteller" by , I would have to agree with him. I am really tired of the things Hillary has been saying to the press and all the hooplah she is doing, trying to win over voters like have a few shots with them. I really don't think I would want a president who drinks while our nation is in danger. I could see it now "ms. Clinton the United States is under attack!" "Oh phhh here, have a shot of whiskey makes you feel better."I would not even call her at 3AM because she still might be out drinking and partying with the fellow people. I don't like the fact that she keeps "miss speaking" and saying the wrong things. She is starting to sound kinda like Bush Jr. a little bit by miss saying things. That scares me a bit if she were to turn out like him. And the thing with her being a "Story teller" and all, well, it seems to me like she might be a better teacher than a president. She keeps using Obama's campaign things and twisting them a bit to make a counter attack and that is just plain lame. Obamas thing was "Yes We Can" and Hillary went and made her own saying "Yes We Will". Is that not just a bit of well plagiarisms kinda along with stupidity? Im sorry but I don't want a president who acts like a little kid.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mighty Morphin Government Rangers

Today as I was actually watching a new show called Emo Rangers (please don't ask me how I found it) when It hit me. In this show, they gave emotional teenagers super powers and machines to defeat their enemy. This lead me to think. Our National Government is like these Rangers. Can we stop a super power that we gave its powers to?
We the people give them the power they need to do whatever they see fit, or, more as we have seen lately, how they want things to go. They may not have morphing wrist bands, but we are their morphing power. We elect them into office. So if we choose them so easily, then why is it so hard to get them out of power once they are in office? Well, once in office, they make us think that they are doing the best possible job by sending us updates in the mail. Them, having the seat in the Government, gives them a basic authority to stay in power. This, is their machine or if your an Emo Ranger fan, "Morphing Machine". It looks cool on the outside but it may be hurting us in other ways. A Government official uses their machines to help them get the job they want done. One of these machines is called voting. Voting makes the people of the United States feel important but in reality, we don't really vote for anything. We just vote for those who get to say who they would like to see in power or what they would like to see happen to the US as a whole. Another "Machine" they use is marketing. Our Government loves to market to us and tell us how great we are doing but if Americans would stop smoking their weed and open their brains, they would figure out that the Government is really cheating us.
You may now be asking "is their a way to stop the power we started?" And honestly, there really is no way. It is all played favoritisms. No matter what we the people want, it really is up to those few that get the final decision. There is really no set in stone way to secure any way of changing our Governments process of deciding important decisions, unless the rest of the Nation were "Mighty Morphing Emo Rangers."
Monday, April 7, 2008
A comment on Grant's Big Brother Bureaucracy
In the article located here, and written by Grant, I would have to agree with him in stating the fact I am not informed enough to take a stance on most issues we as Americans face today.
To many people are not making an effort to change there lives for the better, instead, most Americans want instant satisfaction. We want money now and fast food and we want to have sex without thinking about the consequence because we want it all now. I have seen so many so called "Homeless" people on the streets and yes, when i pass them i want to give them a buck or 2 but I really don't because i have no idea what they will use it on.
The only thing I have to disagree with Grant on is the whole troops in Iraq comment where he said "Pull the troops, or “finish the job”? Who really knows what’s in the best interest of the people of our country? One thing is for sure: a lot of people seem to think they know." I feel that we should pull as many troops out of Iraq and Iran as we can but, leave some, (not near as many as we have there now) and let them protect the United States Embacy. I know its hard to let a loved one go but it is what they decided they must do.
So right on Grant, we really all do need to take a step back, and ask ourself if we are doing all that we can do.
To many people are not making an effort to change there lives for the better, instead, most Americans want instant satisfaction. We want money now and fast food and we want to have sex without thinking about the consequence because we want it all now. I have seen so many so called "Homeless" people on the streets and yes, when i pass them i want to give them a buck or 2 but I really don't because i have no idea what they will use it on.
The only thing I have to disagree with Grant on is the whole troops in Iraq comment where he said "Pull the troops, or “finish the job”? Who really knows what’s in the best interest of the people of our country? One thing is for sure: a lot of people seem to think they know." I feel that we should pull as many troops out of Iraq and Iran as we can but, leave some, (not near as many as we have there now) and let them protect the United States Embacy. I know its hard to let a loved one go but it is what they decided they must do.
So right on Grant, we really all do need to take a step back, and ask ourself if we are doing all that we can do.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
We Need More Money
I am sure that most of you drove past the gas stations this week and saw how ridiculous the gas prices were. $ 4 a gallon is just ridiculous. If the president would just listen to me, I have an idea on how to help the average person to pay for there gas. The government should set a National minimum wage that is 7 dollars or higher to help the people cope with inflation.
In the last year, the cost of gas has risen a considerable amount. More than most of us could have ever imagined and to be honest no one has a set idea as to why. Many believe its because of the war and others believe its our problems with other foreign nations. Either way you look at it, the people get the short end of the stick. 5 dollars and 15 cents an hour barley gets you a gallon and a half of gas, but compare that to all the other things we have to pay for like medical insurance, food, shelter and clothing, the average American person will simply not be able to live if the price of gas and inflation keep going up and the minimum wage stays the same.
All our government has to do is raise how much we get paid hourly, and then we will spend more and in return our economic spending will increase.
But lets just face it. Were going to end up the poorest country in ten years if this keeps up.
In the last year, the cost of gas has risen a considerable amount. More than most of us could have ever imagined and to be honest no one has a set idea as to why. Many believe its because of the war and others believe its our problems with other foreign nations. Either way you look at it, the people get the short end of the stick. 5 dollars and 15 cents an hour barley gets you a gallon and a half of gas, but compare that to all the other things we have to pay for like medical insurance, food, shelter and clothing, the average American person will simply not be able to live if the price of gas and inflation keep going up and the minimum wage stays the same.
All our government has to do is raise how much we get paid hourly, and then we will spend more and in return our economic spending will increase.
But lets just face it. Were going to end up the poorest country in ten years if this keeps up.
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Stupid Season
I was searching the web today, as i always do and i came across this commentary page The Smirking Chimp, in it was an article called "The Stupid Season" and can be found here ( ) . I read it so you don't have to and in it, it basicly says that politics are getting stupid and out of hand, much like a game. Hillary's Crying, McCain is holding Bar-B-Q's in Arizona and Ralph Nader is running once again. In this page, they point out that Hillary calls out Obama in saying that " 'Now, I could stand up here and say, 'Let's just get everybody together. Let's get unified. The sky will open. The lights will come down. Celestial choirs will be singing and everyone will know we should do the right thing and the world will be perfect. 'Maybe I've just lived a little long, but I have no illusions about how hard this is going to be. You are not going to wave a magic wand and have the special interests disappear.' " Then she was caught telling us "kids" to step down and let the adults handle it.
Personally to me, that is an insult. Doesn't she know that us "kids" will be the ones they look up to in support when there funds run out and they get old and need us to take care of them? If she keeps this up, us "kids" will turn around when there old and say we can't take care of you. Remember, were just kids.
The article goes on and talks about how the game between politics is getting old and boring at this point. The whole pointing fingers and backstabbing each other is old. No one is buying into the bullshit they are making us watch day after day. Tomorrow comes Texas election, and tomorrow all im probably going to hear all day is "who did you vote for? why?" and im simply going to say " Who really gives a crap who i voted for. I know you really don't care and in about a week no one is going to give a rats butt who i voted for." I like this commentary. It called american politics on its' bullshit and maybe soon we will all shut up and move on to something better like Who will be Americas Next Top Model?
Personally to me, that is an insult. Doesn't she know that us "kids" will be the ones they look up to in support when there funds run out and they get old and need us to take care of them? If she keeps this up, us "kids" will turn around when there old and say we can't take care of you. Remember, were just kids.
The article goes on and talks about how the game between politics is getting old and boring at this point. The whole pointing fingers and backstabbing each other is old. No one is buying into the bullshit they are making us watch day after day. Tomorrow comes Texas election, and tomorrow all im probably going to hear all day is "who did you vote for? why?" and im simply going to say " Who really gives a crap who i voted for. I know you really don't care and in about a week no one is going to give a rats butt who i voted for." I like this commentary. It called american politics on its' bullshit and maybe soon we will all shut up and move on to something better like Who will be Americas Next Top Model?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Secret Service Inspector admits destroying documents
When reading the article " Secret Service Inspector admits destroying documents" ( ) by Rebecca Carr, the words "can you really do that?" come to my mind.
A Secret Service inspector admitted "destroying original evidence sought in a long-standing lawsuit alleging that the service routinely discriminates against African American agents." She said she had placed the documents in a "burn bag" just two days before her testifying in court. Even the judge is shocked that the Secret Service would go so low. But i, for one, am not shocked. The Secret Service, i feel, is seriously doing no good for anyone. Why should doing something including this Nation be a secret? I would love to know when people destroy documents and when my Government is about to make a serious move for or against our Nations well being.
The article is trying to tell us that there are things our Government does that are so wrong and most of us know nothing about it. It shows us how the Government is really picking and choosing how we run as a Nation and choosing how us as Americans should live. We should be more informed about the mistakes and frauds our Government plays against us. I mean doesn't the people who work in the Government people just like us or are they just programed machines with no logic or brains to back up their reasoning's and high paying positions. Its not right to be prejudice against one race or group of people just because they don't make our Nation "ideal".
The case is still going on as you are reading this.
A Secret Service inspector admitted "destroying original evidence sought in a long-standing lawsuit alleging that the service routinely discriminates against African American agents." She said she had placed the documents in a "burn bag" just two days before her testifying in court. Even the judge is shocked that the Secret Service would go so low. But i, for one, am not shocked. The Secret Service, i feel, is seriously doing no good for anyone. Why should doing something including this Nation be a secret? I would love to know when people destroy documents and when my Government is about to make a serious move for or against our Nations well being.
The article is trying to tell us that there are things our Government does that are so wrong and most of us know nothing about it. It shows us how the Government is really picking and choosing how we run as a Nation and choosing how us as Americans should live. We should be more informed about the mistakes and frauds our Government plays against us. I mean doesn't the people who work in the Government people just like us or are they just programed machines with no logic or brains to back up their reasoning's and high paying positions. Its not right to be prejudice against one race or group of people just because they don't make our Nation "ideal".
The case is still going on as you are reading this.
Secret Service
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Longer Than Expected
Hello all internet readers. So apparently, the race to run for the white house is still going on. I picked an article from the Washington Post called "The Race After Tuesday". The article tells us that in the end of Tuesdays tallies, it was a surprise for both the Democrats and the Republicans. For the Republican side, John McCain won most of the votes in Tuesdays election and because of the Republicans way of who gets to be the official run for office it's an easier decision. The most votes wins. But for the Democratic side, Tuesday was a day of confusion. Hillary kept at a close lead with 823 delegates and Obama was in a close second with 741 delegates. Thats only a difference of 82 delegates votes. Hillary plans on winning over the Hispanic population in California while Obama is hoping to have gained the love of the African American voters.
This article tells you what the outcome of Tuesdays votes had to say about what the American people want to see in office. Personally, I just wish there was an easier way to do this. Why couldn't all 50 states just vote at the same time and then we tally votes that way? I feel it would be a lot easier and then we would quickly find out who could be our next president.
go here for full article:
This article tells you what the outcome of Tuesdays votes had to say about what the American people want to see in office. Personally, I just wish there was an easier way to do this. Why couldn't all 50 states just vote at the same time and then we tally votes that way? I feel it would be a lot easier and then we would quickly find out who could be our next president.
go here for full article:
super tuesday,
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