Today as I was actually watching a new show called Emo Rangers (please don't ask me how I found it) when It hit me. In this show, they gave emotional teenagers super powers and machines to defeat their enemy. This lead me to think. Our National Government is like these Rangers. Can we stop a super power that we gave its powers to?
We the people give them the power they need to do whatever they see fit, or, more as we have seen lately, how they want things to go. They may not have morphing wrist bands, but we are their morphing power. We elect them into office. So if we choose them so easily, then why is it so hard to get them out of power once they are in office? Well, once in office, they make us think that they are doing the best possible job by sending us updates in the mail. Them, having the seat in the Government, gives them a basic authority to stay in power. This, is their machine or if your an Emo Ranger fan, "Morphing Machine". It looks cool on the outside but it may be hurting us in other ways. A Government official uses their machines to help them get the job they want done. One of these machines is called voting. Voting makes the people of the United States feel important but in reality, we don't really vote for anything. We just vote for those who get to say who they would like to see in power or what they would like to see happen to the US as a whole. Another "Machine" they use is marketing. Our Government loves to market to us and tell us how great we are doing but if Americans would stop smoking their weed and open their brains, they would figure out that the Government is really cheating us.
You may now be asking "is their a way to stop the power we started?" And honestly, there really is no way. It is all played favoritisms. No matter what we the people want, it really is up to those few that get the final decision. There is really no set in stone way to secure any way of changing our Governments process of deciding important decisions, unless the rest of the Nation were "Mighty Morphing Emo Rangers."